Safe driving is primarily about being aware of your surroundings and being respectful of your vehicle's power and others who are sharing the road. It isn’t difficult, but it can make the difference in getting you and others to your destination safely. Unsafe driving puts everyone at risk.
Here are some tips to ensure you are practicing safe driving.
Follow the three second ruleThere's a simple way to calculate the three-second rule while you're on the road —watch for the leading vehicle to pass a roadside sign, mile marker, or other landmark. If you pass the marker before you finish counting, you are following the vehicle ahead of you too closely. Following too closely, known as tailgating, is one of the leading causes of rear-end accidents.
Avoid distractionsElectronic devices are the most obvious driver distractions, but there are many others that you may not even be considering a distraction. Eating, talking to passengers and changing the radio station can all take your eyes away from the road.
Be predictablePart of being a good driver is to prevent other drivers on the road from being surprised by your actions. This can be difficult if you don't know your skills, driving etiquette, and even how to handle your vehicle. Being predictable means that you always indicate your intention to turn or change lanes. It is also advisable to pump your brakes lightly to indicate your intention to slow down or stop.
Yellow isn’t greenA yellow light tells you to slow down and be ready to stop. Passing through the yellow lights at high speeds does not save you time and increases your chances of an accident in the middle of an intersection.
Obey the speed limitSpeed limits aren't there to be tested and pushed, especially if you're a new driver. Exceeding the speed limit is illegal, and it can also be dangerous. Experts have determined that this speed is the maximum speed that a driver can travel without endangering himself, a pedestrian, or a nearby home.
Give yourself extra timeDrivers make mistakes and accidents happen when you’re in a rush. The reality is that running through yellow lights or speeding are unlikely to save you much time. Be patient and understand that is better to arrive safe and sound than to not arrive at all or to cause a devastating accident.
Be mindful on the roadSafe driving is primarily about being aware of your surroundings and being respectful of your vehicle's power and others who are sharing the road. It isn’t difficult, but it can make the difference in getting you and others to your destination safely.